The information in these obituary indexes were compiled from issues of the Courier and Courier-Tribune newspaper and saved here as either HTML web pages or PDF documents. Each index contains names in alphabetical order, the date of death and the date of the newspaper. Either file type can be searched by clicking CTRL-F for a search box that works within each document. If your browser has a FIND button, that works as well. Once an obituary's date and page are determined, the printed obituary can be found in microfilm of the newspaper, located in the Randolph Room.
Adobe provides a free download for viewing PDFs (for download click here).
Beginning with obituaries available on April 26, 2021, for persons who died on or after April 1, 2021, the staff of the Randolph Room has undertaken to capture and preserve obituaries from area funeral and cremation service providers. This is an additional obituary resource, as we have found a number of individuals' obituaries which have not been printed in The Courier-Tribune. Each index contains names of deceased persons in alphabetical order with their date of death. Websites of area funeral homes were surveyed on a regular basis for new listings and individuals' online obituaries were downloaded and saved digitally. No paper copies of these obituaries have been made but users can request prints or digital copies of the PDFs.
Adobe provides a free download for viewing PDFs (click here).
April 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 |
Listing of 2021 Obituaries captured from area funeral and cremation providers (PDF file) |
January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 |
Listing of 2022 Obituaries captured from area funeral and cremation providers (PDF file) |
January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 |
Listing of 2023 Obituaries captured from area funeral and cremation providers (PDF file) |