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Asheboro Public Library: Outreach & Extension Home


Preschool Outreach

Extension Services Preschool Outreach

The Extension Services Department provides preschools and daycare centers with age-appropriate story times and loans books to preschool teachers for use in their classrooms.  The department also has fifteen themed kits which can be borrowed by teachers or parents.  Each kit has a selection of books, teacher resources, a puppet, music CD, and a story time felt set. 

The story time visits are scheduled on a once-a-month basis for ten months of the year, excluding May and December. 

Some centers close during the summer.  Other centers operate programs for school-age children in the summer.  Story time visits are adjusted to meet the needs of the centers.

The Extension Services Department enthusiastically participates in the Randolph County Public Library’s Every Child Ready to Read initiative.  Materials and programming are available for parents and teachers.

To participate in the preschool outreach program call 318-6816.  Services will be provided as staff schedules permit.   

Useful Links

Outreach and Extension Services


Randolph County Public Library Outreach and Extension Services

The Randolph County Public Library provides service free of charge to county residents who are unable to visit the library on their own due to age, extended illness, or physical condition.  

The Extension Services Department provides monthly story times to Head Start and Early Childhood Development Center classrooms and also to childcare centers throughout the county.  The department also delivers books each month to those preschool classrooms, and teachers are encouraged to use the books in their own story times and to teach the children how to handle books carefully.  Preschool teachers can request themed books in advance for use in their classrooms.

Preschool Storytimes!

Storytimes with Lisa & Melina

Homebound Services

Extension Services to the Homebound

Are you or is someone you know homebound?

The Library provides service to those who are unable to visit the library on their own due to age, extended illness, or physical condition.

We deliver to

·         People in their own homes or apartments

·         Assisted Living Facilities

·         Nursing or Retirement Homes

·         Adult Daycare Facilities

·         Selected other agencies

You must pre-qualify as a homebound resident in order to take advantage of this service.  Once you become an Extension Services Department patron, monthly visits will be scheduled and a reader’s profile will be developed for your materials. 

Materials available for delivery include:

·         Books in regular or large print

·         Books on CD

·         Music on CD

·         Movies on DVD

·         Magazines

You may request specific items or material may be selected from your reader’s profile.

Give us a call at 318-6816 to see if you qualify for this service.  


Family members are encouraged to assist homebound relatives in contacting the library to initiate this service.  Once we have your completed form, we will contact you to find out what kind of materials you would like us to bring and to set up a delivery schedule.