Archdale Book Break Book Club
The Book Break Book Club, founded in 1997, is an institution at the Archdale Library, and a cornerstone of our adult programming efforts. As of March 2025, the club has explored 225 books, through lively and insightful discussion. The talk is stimulating, but best of all, refreshments are always served. The club welcomes new members. The club meets the third Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., from September to May.
See you Tuesday, March 18th @ 2pm!
The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters
Silent Book Club
Archdale Book Bites Book Club
Book Bites, an "un-book club," began in November 2018 as a place for readers to come together and share the books they're excited to be reading. There is no reading list, and all are welcome to come and share the book they've enjoyed most since the last meeting. There are always a wide variety of books shared, and a record of titles is kept and posted online.
The club is currently meeting the second Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Asheboro Reads Book Club
The Asheboro Reads book group meets at 2:00 pm. on the last Tuesday of each month.
The group is open to anyone who wishes to discuss the book. Extra copies of the book being discussed will be available at the circulation desk in the weeks before the discussion. Call 336-318-6808 for more information.
Current Read
On Tuesday, March 25th @ 2pm in the downstairs meeting room, we will be reading
The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict
Franklinville Book Club
Join us for pint-sized conversations around short stories and essays from The Sun literary magazine. 12:30 pm, Monday, March 17 at the Franklinville Library. For adults 18+.
Liberty Book Clubs
Senior Adults Book Club
Evening Book Club
Seagrove Library Book Club
Don’t like being told what to read? This month we are chowing down on food related picks in honor of Pi Day. Your pick could have food in the title or food as the subject. 6 pm, Tuesday, March 25 at the Seagrove Library. Fro adults 18+