To get a library card you must first register in-person. The first day you are limited to five items. Your first library card and any future replacement cards are issued free.
- Must be a resident of North Carolina.
- At least 16 years of age.
- Present a valid North Carolina driver's license or other positive (picture) identification showing your current address.
If your identification does not show your current address, you must provide something that has been mailed to your at your current address. If you are between the ages of five and fifteen, a parent or legal guardian must co-sign for your card.
Students age 5 through 18 currently in the Randolph County School System, including Asheboro City and Uwharrie Charter, are automatically issued a free digital library card through the REAL 2 (Randolph Education Access for Limitless Learning) program.
The library card number is their student ID number and their PIN number is the month and day of their birthday. This card allows up to 10 items out at a time, DVDs cannot be checked out with a REAL 2 account, and does not accrue any fines unless an item is marked as lost.
You must present your library card or with the library's mobile app to check out physical materials.
Library materials can be renewed, as long as they are not on a waiting list or have not reached the maximum two renewals, in-person, by telephone with your library card in-hand, with the library's mobile app (just search for "Randolph Library" in your app store), or online by accessing "My Account" through the online catalog.
Patrons must pay for any materials marked lost before being allowed to check out more materials at any of the seven libraries.
An automated dialer will attempt to contact you for the first three weeks that material is overdue. A notice will be mailed after one month overdue and after two months. A final notice and letter from the Randolph County attorney will be sent after three months. Patrons with accounts that exceed $100 in replacement costs can be summoned to court.
Remember: notification of overdue material is a courtesy only; you are responsible for replacement costs regardless of whether you have received notification.
- Books, audiobooks, CDs, Magazines (back issues): 3 weeks. They can be renewed twice if not on a waiting list or reached the maximum 2 renewals.
- DVDs: 1 week. They can be renewed twice if not on a waiting list or reached the maximum 2 renewals. Must be 16 years old or older to check out DVDs.
- Library Mobile Hotspot: Two weeks. They can be renewed twice if not on a waiting list or reached the maximum 2 renewals. Must be 16 years old or older to check out.
- Zoo Passes: Patrons with a library card can request a free pass to the North Carolina Zoo. The pass allows the patron and 1 guest into the Zoo without charge. Passes are given per household and cannot be requested again for 6 months after being used. Passes can be reserved within 30 days in advance. Amount limited. Must be 16 years old or older to request.
- The Children's Library offers unique kits for kids to checkout. Inquire at 336-318-6804 for more information.
The library no longer charges fines except for overdue fines on technology lending items such as mobile hotspots, laptop computers, tablets and other devices.
Fee for lost items, damaged items, copies, printouts, faxes, etc., remain in effect, as do overdue fines for technology lending as above.
If you need help please call (336) 318-6803 for assistance.